WILMINGTON, NC — Justin Heter “Pan” vividly recalls the moment when inspiration struck. It was six or seven years ago while he and his then-girlfriend were cooking spaghetti together. As they stirred the noodles and sauce, they began playfully signing to each other, spontaneously creating a song on the spot—Spicy Spaghetti.
“The song is kind of a true story. We were cooking, and I picked up my ukulele. It was a funny evening, and although we were just joking around, the words stuck with me. Years later, I decided to take it into the studio.”
The end result is an Italian love song. It tells the tale of a guy who desires a spicy kiss from the woman he loves, believing that the way to impress her is by creating a spicy dish.
This single serves as the opening track for Justin’s upcoming 12-track comedy music album titled Fun Knee Songs Four Committee Porpoises, set to be released on December 18th. Justin opted to release “Spicy Spaghetti” ahead of the album’s full launch due to its family-friendly nature. However, he issues a warning that the rest of the album contains explicit language and is not suitable for kids.
“I am very proud of how it turned out. It’s funny, it’s dorky, and it has a nice vibe with an Italian-French accordion feel. Kids w
ill love it, and so will mom and dad.”
Stay tuned for a more in-depth profile on Justin and his recent shift from a serious musician to a comedy star, coming early next week.
In the meantime, you can sample and purchase “Spicy Spaghetti” today on all worldwide streaming platforms such as Spotify, YouTube, and Pandora, under the artist name “Justin Heter Pan.” Get a preview from Spotify below.
For a glimpse of his more serious work, click on this link.